
Advisory Committee

Dr. Md. Sabur Khan, Honorable Chairman, BoT
Professor Dr. M. Lutfar Rahman, Vice Chancellor
Professor Dr. S. M. Mahbub Ul Haque Majumder Pro-Vice Chancellor
Dr. Hamidul Haque Khan Honorable Treasurer
Professor Dr. Mostafa Kamal Dean, Academic Affairs
Professor Dr. M. Shamsul Alam Dean, Faculty of Engineering
Professor Dr. Mohammed Masum Iqba Dean, Faculty of Business and Entrepreneurship
Professor Dr. Md. Kabirul Islam Dean, Faculty of Graduate Studies
Professor Dr. Md. Bellal Hossain Dean (In-Charge), Faculty of Health and Life Sciences
Professor Dr. Dr. Syed Akhter Hossain Dean, Faculty of Science and Information Technology
Professor Dr. Liza Sharmin Dean, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

Organizing Committee

Dr. Mohammed Nadir Bin Ali, , Registrar
Mr. Mominul Haque Majumder Controller of Examinations
Professor Dr. A. K. M Fazlul Haque Director of IQAC
Professor Dr. Syed Mizanur Rahman Director of External Affairs
Professor Dr. Shaikh Muhammad Allayear Proctor
Dr. Khadiza Rahman Tanchi Associate Professor, BA
Dr. Sharifa Sultana Associate Professor and Head (In-charge), Pharmacy
Dr. Mohamed Emran Hossain Member of BoT
Associate Dean All Faculties
Heads All Departments
All Conveners and Co-Conveners Following Committees
Major (retd) Md. Arman Ali Bhuiyan Director of P & D
Major (retd) Md Shah Alam Director SSM
Mr. Md. Sabbir Ahamed Additional Director, P & D
Mr. Najim Uddin Sharker Joint Director, P & D
Mr. Md. Mazbahur Rashid Manik Deputy Director, P & D
Mr. Md. Ishaque Mijee Deputy Registrar
Mr. Md. Abdur Rumman Khan Deputy Registrar, Office of the Vice Chancellor
Mr. Md. Rokanuzzaman Roman Senior Assistant Registrar and PS to Honorable Chairman
Mr. Md. Ismail Hossain Administrative Officer, Graphics Design
Mr. Shah Muhammad Sadiur Rahman, Senior Administrative Officer, Pro-VC Office
Mr. Md. Mirazul Islam Administrative Officer, Office of the Honorable Chairman

Finance Committee

Dr. Hamidul Haque Khan Honorable Treasurer
Mr. Rezaul Karim Masud Director (In-Charge), F & A
Mr. Zonador Rahman Senior Accounts Officer, F & A

Souvenir Committee

Dr. Mohammed Nadir Bin Ali Registrar
Professor Dr. Mohammed Shamsul Hoque Professor, Department of English
Mr. Mizanur Rahman Assistant Professor, Department of MCT
Mr. Anowar Habib Kazal Senior Assistant Director, PRO
Mr. Md. Ismail Hossain Administrative Officer, Graphics Design

Examination/Certificate Committee

Mr. Mominul Haque Majumder Controller of Examinations
Dr. Md. Milan Khan Librarian
Mr. Md. Akhtabul Alam Deputy Controller of Examinations

Entertainment Committee

Professor Dr. Md. Bellal Hossain Dean (In-Charge), FHLS
Dr. Milan Khan Librarian
Mr. Md. Taslim Arefin Associate Professor and Head, ICE
Dr. Nizam Uddin Associate Professor and Head, NFE
Dr. Mohammad Hannan Mahmud Khan Associate Professor and Head, CE
Dr. Md. Mahbubur Rahman Associate Professor, NFE
Mr. Sheikh Muhammad Rezwan Assistant Professor & Associate Head, Architecture
Mr. Rezaul Karim Masud Director (In-Charge), F & A
Mr. Md. Mazbahur Rashid Deputy Director, P & D
Mr. Rasel Prodhania Deputy Director
Mr. Manik Golder Administrative Officer, Green Garden Restaurant
Mr. Zonador Rahman Senior Accounts Officer, F & A

Technical Committee

Professor Dr. Sheak Rashed Haider Noori, Head, CSE
Mr. Md. Dara Abdus Satter Associate Professor and Associate Head, EEE
Mr. Raiyan Mustafa Deputy Director, IT

Disciplinary Committee:

Professor Dr. Shaikh Muhammad Allayear Professor, MCT and Proctor
Professor Dr. A.B.M. Kamal Pasha Professor, ESDM and Provost, YKSG-1
Dr. Sharifa Sultana Associate Professor and Head (In-charge), Pharmacy
Dr. Bimal Chandra Das Professor, CSE and Associate Dean
Major (retd) Md Shah Alam Director, SSM
Mr. Kazi Md. Diljeb Kabir Deputy Director, P & D