Expalanatory Note


Explanatory Note: 12th Convocation 2025 The 12th convocation of Daffodil International University (DIU) is being held on the 8th February 2025 in an ambience of excellent achievements of the past year. In its twenty-two years of journey, DIU has established its permanent campus at Daffodil Smart City (DSC), Birulia, Savar, Dhaka, and achieved scores of national and international recognitions. The 12th convocation is yet another evidence of this short but glorious history.

The Convocation

The convocation, a well-recognized tradition in universities around the globe, is a solemn and grand festival observed by the academic world where new graduates are presented by the university faculty and administration to the degree awarding body of the university. The Chancellor of the university, who heads this body, confers the degrees on each of them as recommended.

Degree Awarding Authority

The Chancellor, the Vice chancellor, the Pro-Vice Chancellor, Members of the Board of Trustees and the Deans, together with the Heads of Academic Departments, constitute the degree awarding authority of Daffodil International University.

The Academic Procession

The academic procession is an important part of the convocation. It is a colorful but solemn event where graduating students, parents/guardians, faculty members, members of the Academic Council, members of the Syndicate, members of the Board of Trustees, and senior administrative staff of the university participate. The participants in their ceremonial robes join the convocation procession and enter the convocation hall. The convocation Marshal, Professor Dr. A K M Fazlul Haque, leads the procession into the hall. The graduating students take their seats in an area of the hall specially reserved for them. Faculty members join the procession in an ascending order of seniority. They enter the hall and take their seats alongside the new graduates.

Having been delegated by the Chancellor, His Excellency Mohammed Shahabuddin, the Honorable President of the People's Republic of Bangladesh, to Professor Dr. Bidhan Ranjan Roy Poddar, Honorable Adviser, Ministry of Primary and Mass Education, the Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh enters last in the company of the Vice Chancellor, the Pro-Vice Chancellor, the Registrar, the Chairman of the Board of Trustees, the Deans, the convocation Speaker, the Syndicate members, and the Academic Council members. Once the procession reaches the designated areas and all are in place, the formal convocation ceremony begins. The Chairman, Board of Trustees, Dr. Md. Sabur Khan delivers his welcome address. Then the convocation Speaker, Professor Dr. Hassan Diab delivers his Speech, and the graduating candidates are presented, to the Honorable Adviser, Ministry of Primary and Mass Education for degree conferment by the respective Deans of different Faculties. A student, selected from the graduating class as the valedictorian, addresses the gathering. Next, the Vice Chancellor delivers his address.

Finally, on behalf of the Honorable Chancellor, Professor Dr. Bidhan Ranjan Roy Poddar, Honorable Adviser, Ministry of Primary and Mass Education delivers his speech.

In the conclusion of the ceremony, the Honorable Adviser, Ministry of Primary and Mass Education, the Honorable Chairman of BoT of DIU, the Vice Chancellor, the Pro-Vice Chancellor, and other dignitaries leave the site of the ceremony in a procession, followed by faculty members and the new graduates. The ceremony concludes when the procession departs the hall.

Academic Apparel

The academic apparel of Daffodil International University has been specially designed, although it corresponds closely to the academic regalia used in other universities. The gowns worn by participants are generally black, but designs differ. The colors of the tassels and the hoods of distinguished faculty members of one differ from those of the others.

The hood, which resembles the medieval cowl, is the most distinctive feature of the academic insignia. Its satin panel is visible from the front and indicates the general field of a degree by its color.

The convocation apparel for all bachelor's degree candidates is black, and they will don black square mortarboards on their heads. The colors of tassels on their mortarboards point to their fields of study.

The academic costume of the 12th convocation 2025 of Daffodil International University will be as follows:

  1. Faculty of Science and Information Technology (FSIT): Gray gown with red border and yellow-red-blue hood, black cap with red tassel.
  2. Faculty of Engineering (FE): Black gown with yellow Border and black cap with yellow tassel.
  3. Faculty of Business and Entrepreneurship (FBE): Black gown with orange border and black cap with orange tassel.
  4. Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (FHSS): Black gown with green border and black cap with green tassel.
  5. Faculty of Health and Life Sciences (FHLS): Black gown with firoza border and black cap with firoza tassel.
  6. Masters Graduates: Blue gown with thin lace and blue cap with blue tassel.
  7. Faculty Members: Professors-Black gown with red strip and red-yellow border and black cap with red tassel. Associate Professors to Lecturers - Parret green gown with blue strip and blue-yellow border and parrot green cap with green tassel.
  8. Academic Council Members: Professor's gown with red sash
  9. Members of Board of Trustees (BoT): Navy blue gown with silver lace.
  10. Members of Syndicates: Professor's gown with blue sash. Honorable Adviser, Ministry of Primary and Mass Education, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Vice-Chancellor, Pro-Vice-Chancellor, convocation Speaker, Deans, Registrar and Marshal of 12th convocation wear specially designed gowns.

Daffodil International University Logo

The logo of Daffodil International University reflects the chief objective of the university, which signifies dissemination of modern and quality education. The color of Daffodil International University logo is blue and green. The logo is divided into two parts. The upper part includes a globe and world map and an open-book while the lower part has the image and color of the national flag.

Daffodil International University Flag

The color of the Daffodil International University flag is white and light blue while the color of the university emblem is blue and green. The emblem is placed at the bottom of the flag.

Special Awards

In this convocation, 12 top scorers of the university get gold medals: 5 (five) Chancellor's gold medals, 4 (four) Chairman's gold medals and 3 (three) Vice Chancellor's gold medals. Of these, 4 (four) goes to the Faculty of Science and Information Technology, 2 (two) to the Faculty of Business and Entrepreneurship, 2 (two) to the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2 (two) to the Faculty of Health and Life Sciences and 2 (two) to the Faculty of Engineering. Daffodil International University takes pride in holding the 12th convocation as it strides confidently towards a promising and glorious future